AWS - Certified Welding Inspection
Our AWS Certified Welding Inspectors (CWI) perform independent inspection services based on several construction codes & standards, such as:
ASME Section I (Power Boiler) and Section IV (Heating Boiler)
ASME Section VIII Div.1 (Pressure Vessel)
ASME B31.1 (Power Piping) und B31.3 (Process Piping)
AWS D1.1 (Structural Steel)
AWS D1.2 (Structural Aluminum)
European harmonized standards (e.g. EN12952, EN13445, EN13480)
Our AWS Certified Welding Inspectors (CWI) assist you in
Meeting the qualifications of the following welding procedures and welding personal, Preparation of ASME Code-compliant WPS (Welding Procedure Specification)
Consulting within the application of Standard-Welding Procedure Specifications / preWPS (prequalified WPS)
Qualification of Welding Procedures / PQR (Procedure Qualification Record)
Qualification of Welding Personnel/ WPQ (Welder Performance Qualification)
Restrictions in case of toughness requirements / CVN (Charpy V-Notch)
By now, we assure to you a competent consulting service.
If in need of a competent consulting service, please feel free to contact us!